Bunting Flags: Decorate – Educate

Bunting Flags: Decorate – Educate

As a parent, you wish to surround your growing child with materials that are fun and educational for them. It would be an added bonus if the same materials can be decorative and versatile too. Bunting flags displaying letters of the alphabet and numbers meet all these requirements!

Not only they provide great visual stimuli for the growing brains, the versatility of the bunting flags make it possible for you to effortlessly incorporate them into your household décor.

Here are five great ways to use bunting flags as an educational tool at home:

  1. Across the ceiling of kids bedroom or the playroom
  1. Frame the window
  1. On the wall, either at the eye level of the child or higher
  1. Across the child’s bedhead or crib
  1. Outdoors – across fences and playhouses

Educational displays such as these are known to improve the visual and sequential memory of pre-schoolers which help them in math and language skills in the subsequent years.

Bunting flags made of fabric or paper are not only good for your child, but good for the environment too!

All in all, bunting flags with letters and numbers are a great educational tool and house décor wrapped in one!