Playing with Values

Playing with Values

Play is an integral part of childhood development. One of the best things a parent can do is to provide optimal play opportunities for their children. There are many toys to choose from. However not all toys are made the same way nor they offer the same educational value. The right toy provides parents with opportunities to introduce values and ethics they wish to instil in their
children. Choose a toy that has more learning value than its basic function. Here are few things to consider when choosing a toy:

Fair trade –
unfortunately many toys are made under extremely exploitative and unfavourable
conditions to workers. When you buy an ethically made fair trade toy, you ensure that people along every step of the supply chain receive fair wages and their communities are treated with dignity.

Eco-friendly –
many inexpensive toys are often made with low-cost inferior quality materials that are laced with chemicals and ingredients that are toxic to humans and our environment. Toys made with organic, non-toxic, chemical-free materials are not only safe for children to play with but are also kind to the planet.

Child labour free –
it can be distressing to think that your child’s toy comes at the cost of another child’s innocence. The harsh reality is that many children are trafficked and exploited as child workers in toy assembly plants. Fair trade toys are child-labour free, and pay fair wages to parents so the children can stay in school.

Talk to your child where the toys are coming from and how they are made.

Tell them why you chose this particular toy above the others.

Talk to them about the lives of other children in the world and how the choices we make can make a positive difference to their lives.

When you choose right, you offer much more than a toy to your child!

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